
Europar Komisioak onartu digun EMEU4CROSSOVERS motako Erasmus+ KA2 proiektuaren harira, TKNIKAn egon gara formazioa jasotzen.

EMEU sarearen web orri ofizialean irakurri daiteke zein den mota honetako proiektuen helburua:

“EMEU4CROSSOVERS’ main goal is to raise awareness of staff, students and industry regarding the need for and benefits of crossover cooperation between education and industry.

The economy and society are changing rapidly, and the collaboration between education and industry needs to change accordingly. In the next three years 9 partners from 5 different European countries will work together to create, test and offer crossover experiences in theory and practice allowing students from different study fields to offer solutions for observations out of their vocational area and, therefore, to develop a flexible mindset.

An array of virtual activities and study modules will be developed and tested to raise the students’ awareness. The initiative will bring out into the open the need for all partners to help break down the walls between different vocational educations in their own colleges by developing the project results together and by implementing fixed crossover modules in their respective curricula, e.g. both in ICT and Health Care or Urban Landscaping and Automation, among others. These modules will also include a strong focus on a continuing contribution of the industrial project partners after this project.”

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