

UNIko 9 ikasle eta 4 irakasle Herbeheretara joan dira informatikarekin lotutako bi proiektu hauek lantzen:

  • ICT-Internet of things: Raspberry Pi eta Python hizkuntzaren programazioari buruzko xehetasunak ikasi dituzte.
  • Lan PARTY: Hitzaldi eta jokuekin osatutako UNI ENCOUNTER txiki bat antolatu dute.

Bi proiektuen balorazioa oso positiboa izan da eta hurrengo ikasturteetan ere errepikatzeko asmoa azaldu dute partehartzaileek.

9 students and 4 teachers from UNI have traveled to the Netherlands to develop two projects related to computing:

  • ICT-Internet of things: The students have learned to program in Python using Raspberry Pi, thus starting out in the world of programming.
  • Lan PARTY: They have organized a mini UNI ENCOUNTER with conferences and online games.

The assessment of both projects has been very positive and the participants have shown their intention to repeat in the next courses.