Sistema Mikroinformatikoak eta sareak zikloko 5 ikasle #EMEU proiektuari esker Herbeheretan egon dira ICT-INTERNET OF THINGS modulua ikasten.
Alkmaar eta Hoorn hirietan kokatuta dagoen Roc Horizon College ikastetxean Raspberry Pi eta Python hizkuntzaren programazioari buruzko xehetasunak ikasten aritu dira hiru astez.
Hiru irakasle ere laguntza eta behaketan egon dira eurekin.
Thanks to the #EMEU project, 5 students from the Microcomputer Systems and Networks cycle have been in the Netherlands studying the ICT-INTERNET OF THINGS module at Roc Horizon College located in Alkmaar and Hoorn.
They have studied Raspberry Pi and Python programming language for three weeks.
Three teachers have also been accompanying them.