

Urriaren 2tik 11ra Holandako Horizon College-eko Marketing arloko bi ikasle izan ditugu UNIan Gizarte eta kirol irakaskuntza eta animazioko ikasleekin elkarlanean, EMEU Crossovers izeneko proiektu baten barne. 

Euskal Herrian pilotak duen errotzea aztertzera etorri dira. Eibar, Bergara eta Mallabiko pilota eskolei eskerrak eman nahi dizkiegu beraien kooperazioagaitik. Aipamen berezia nahi diegu egin Mallabiko bi txapeldunei, Aitor Elordi (eskupilota) eta Itsado Pradera guri eskainitako denboragaitik.

From October 2 to 11, two students from the Marketing area of Horizon College in the Netherlands have collaborated at UNI with teaching and social and sports animation students, within a project called EMEU Crossovers. They have come to study the roots of pelota in the Basque Country.

We want to thank the ball schools of Eibar, Bergara and Mallabia for their collaboration. We want to make a special mention to the two Mallabia champions, Aitor Elordi (handball) and Itsaso Pradera (paddle) for the time dedicated to us.