Lau mutil jator etorri zaizkigu Holandatik DM3-1 taldera hiru asterako.
Dynamic Web Design with JavaScript, PHP, Java and MySQL EMEU moduloan hartuko dute parte.
Argazkian, bertako janari tipiko, garraio publiko eta bestelako gaiei buruzko azalpenak ematen ikus ditzakegu; laster Herbeheretara joango diren gure ikasleei aholkuak ematen.
Welcome to the four students that have come from Netherlands to Eibar. They will be collaborating with DM3-1 group for three weeks in the Dynamic Web Design with JavaScript, PHP, Java and MySQL EMEU module.
In the photo, we can see them advising about the typical food, public transport, and other issues to our students who will later go to the Netherlands.