

Sareko informatika sistemen administrazioko lau ikasle Aarhus Tech (Danimarka) ikastetxean egon dira ‘Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (Cisco academy – CCNA module 3/3)’ modulua ikasten.

Ikastetxe honekin UNIak #EMEU proiektuan kolaboratzen du azken 8 urteetan eta honi esker lau ikasle hauek oso esperientzia aberasgarria bizitzeko aukera izan dute.

Four students of Computer network systems administration have been at the Aarhus Tech school (Denmark) studying the module ‘Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (Cisco academy – CCNA module 3/3)’.

The UNI has collaborated in the #EMEU project with this institute for the last 8 years and thanks to this these four students have had a very enriching experience.